Rolling into Monday….After a great trip

to San Francisco last week Laura and I are busy catching up. The Le Book show was very successful overall and well attended. We saw some of of our favorite clients at the show and before and after and of course ate amazing food as always in San Francisco.

Thanks to fellow agent Heather Elder and Kate Chase for hosting a Community Tables Agent roundtable Wednesday afternoon. This gathering is modeled after their Community Table LA, SF, NYC and Chicago events which were round table conversations with the senior level art producers in the areas selected. The idea was to gather seven agents all in one room for an open dialogue about our industry and then share the results with the larger community via a shared blog post. Look for it soon on here

The rain has stopped in LA finally and the skies are gorgeous. Have a great week and thanks Christopher for sharing this wonderful shot with me last week!

03/4/2014 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Fashion
