Happy Birthday Mies van der Rohe!

From our friends at ARCH DAILY ( Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide ) today:

A big happy birthday goes out to Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969), who would have turned 128 years old today. Mies, who studied under influential figures such as Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier, helped to develop the most enduring architectural style of the 20th Century: modernism.

Among his most famous accomplishments are his seminal Barcelona Pavilion; his work as the head of The Bauhaus school; and, after the Nazi ascension in Germany forced him to emigrate, his leadership at the Illinois Institute of Technology. During his 20 years at IIT, Mies developed what became known as ‘the second Chicago school of architecture’, a style of simplified, rectilinear high-rise buildings exemplified by projects such as 860-880 Lakeshore Drive and the Seagram Building. Mies’s minimalist style proved very popular; his famous aphorism ‘less is more’ is still widely used, even by those who are unaware of its origins. All of this makes him one of the most influential architects of the modernist movement and the 20th century.

Mies is one of my favorite architects!

To learn more about Mies go here

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03/27/2014 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Fashion

Tags: http://www.archdaily.com/