Hollywood on Lockdown | Joe & Frank

Joe Pugliese, our friend and neighbor, photographer and frequent collaborator of The Hollywood Reporter, takes this beautiful photograph of Frank, his wife Diane and his sons Beckett and Cooper at their home in Tarzana.

With productions shuttered and a workforce in quarantine, Joe captures his friends, neighbors and people of all corners of the entertainment industry from WarnerMedia Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt to sound mixer Ana Saldana — from a safe, socially responsible 30 feet away.

You can read the entire article here 

We miss you Joe!


And if you want you can visit Frank’s website and Instagram to look at his beautiful work

04/14/2020 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Editorial, Frank Ockenfels 3

Tags: https://fwo3.com, https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/