Moby’s Blog on LA Architecture

Moby was interviewed by Frances Anderton on KCRW for her show Design & Architecture the other day and I caught part of it in the car – very L.A.! Anyway I like Moby’s blog and I love what he said about the element of discovery here in L.A. He was saying that every day here he seems some new interesting building and it prompted him to start this blog.

” a daily (or weekly) collection of some of the random and strange and banal and beautiful architecture i see in l.a. most cities have beautiful architecture. but most cities have beautiful architecture that is prominently displayed and relatively easy to find (think: chrysler building, sacre couer, st peters, sydney opera house, etc). one of the very odd things about l.a is that the most beautiful architecture in l.a is hidden on tiny streets that very few people will ever see. and the architecture in l.a is, generally, of a very domestic and modest scale (probably facilitating it’s strangeness).

ok, thanks. moby the dilettante architectural photographer. ”

Plus he has a great new book and album – the CD is at the back of the book – of his pictures from the road titled ” DESTROYED “. I got a copy signed at Photo LA.

04/10/2012 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Fashion
