Frank Ockenfels 3 got to work again with the amazing Steve Carell for the newest show on Hulu ‘The Patient‘.
The Patient is a psychological thriller from the minds of Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg (The Americans) about a therapist, “Alan Strauss” (Steve Carell), who’s held prisoner by a patient, “Sam Fortner” (Domhnall Gleeson), who reveals himself to be a serial killer. Sam has an unusual therapeutic demand for Alan: curb his homicidal urges.
To See more of Frank’s incredible work, head over to his website. Also, give him a follow on Instagram to keep up with him daily.
08/30/2022 | Posted by Eye Forward
Categories: Entertainment, Frank Ockenfels 3
Tags: https://fwo3.com, https://www.fxnetworks.com