Last Thursday through this past Sunday thousands of photography lovers visited Paramount Pictures to attend the second Paris Photo in Los Angeles. The preview and opening night Thursday were well attended but the crowds grew in numbers over Friday with Saturday and Sunday being mobbed with visitors, seemingly an increase in attendees from last year.

In particular lines to see one of the most popular exhibits, LAPD Photo Archives UNEDITED stretched around the building at times Saturday and Sunday. This show had a selection of rarely seen forensic shots taken between 1925 and the mid 1960’s including images of the Black Dahlia case and the murderous Manson clan. It was a highlight of the fair.

That being said many of the galleries had great bodies of work on display. Some of our favorites were the Eggleston images at Rose Gallery, the Fred Herzog images at Equinox Gallery, James Danziger’s strong selections and the always beautifully designed Hamilton’s space that along with incredible photography on the walls makes you want to move right in with the lighting and decor!

There was great recent work by Stephen Shore at 303 Gallery and a strong show by Christopher Anderson at the French gallery Robert Morat. There were many inspiring gems and finds all over the show. It was just so fun to turn every corner to more good photography and more old and new friends!

It is also encouraging to see the huge growth that photography has made in the art market. From what we understand the cost for dealers to do these shows is very high so we hope that they all had success and were able to cover their costs and or felt it was valuable and will return next year. I better start buying lottery tickets now so I can buy beyond the few books I got bought and got signed this year. The prices just keep going up and up.

Sound and Vision featured screenings as well as The Conversations. I saw the one with Taryn Simon and Stephen Shore which was interesting once it got past a very long drawn out introduction which is best not written about. Wonderful book signings and sightings were all over all weekend and with the sun shining and the back streets of NYC and the Stages of Paramount as a location it really could not have been a better event. We hear they are moving it to May and moving it downtown next year to the Convention Center to be held in conjunction with FIAC ( the big art fair from Paris ) but we hope that perhaps FIAC will be downtown and that Paris Photo will stay at Paramount? Please!!!

Till next year…..

To see more about this read here

With thanks to Noemi and Laura for additional photos!

04/28/2014 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Fashion
