Patrik Giardino – Men’s Health UK – Medieval Combat

A wonderful story – and one of Patrik’s favorite shoots ever, commissioned by Men’s Health UK:

” For all the clanging drama of onscreen swordplay, Jon Snow’s thrusts are rendered impressive only by the deft hand of the editing suite. What looks like uninterrupted carnage is really minutely choreographed and then crafted from hundreds of individual shots, each parry, thrust and decapitation prepared and filmed individually before being stitched into a single, blood-bathed battle scene.
But for those who decamp to deserts on the weekend, where they don chainmail and attempt to break each others’ bones with maces that could split your skull, there’s no rehearsals. These are the men of Medieval Combat, a full contact melee that’s exactly as brutal as sounds. In our January issue we travelled to New Mexico to meet them, train with them, and understand why they put their limbs on the line in a sport that’s suffered more than its share of fatalities. ”

To see more of Patrik’s latest work – please see his website here

02/17/2015 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Editorial
