Peace for Paris – Pray for Paris and Pray for Peace….

We like the who world are in shock and disbelief a the events that happened in Paris last week. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their friends and families and loved ones – and with the people of Paris and of France.

With the advent of Social Media we see how fast symbols or images that spread and become the most used image – such as the one above by a 32-year-old French designer and illustrator Jean Jullien, who tells Wired that he started on the sketch within about a minute of hearing news of the attacks.

“It was done on my lap, on a very loose sketchbook, with a brush and ink,” he says. “I didn’t do any sketches. It was a reaction. The first thing that came to me was the idea of peace, that we needed peace. I was trying to look for a symbol of Paris, and obviously the Eiffel Tower was the first thing that sprang to my mind. I just connected both of them. You know, there wasn’t much work process behind that. It was more an instinctive, human reaction than an illustrator’s reaction.”

Read the story here

11/16/2015 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Fashion