The PSPF 2021 Virtual Festival will be held from April 26th to April 29th.
Registration is now open for their Portfolio Reviews, Workshop & Seminar Programs.
Frank Ockenfels 3 will be one more year offering an amazing half day workshop on Wednesday April 28th at 1:00pm-4:00pm.
This workshop will be a 1/2 day exercise in seeing, creating and capturing light for those who want a shock to the system and want to push the boundaries of their own vision. Frank Ockenfels will execute photographs using his unique approach and process while attendees watch and listen in real-time with a choice of several camera points of view.
For more information about Frank’s workshop tap here
The images are from Frank’s studio while burning and submerging journals to create textures for a film being done by @fotografiska that will be part of a traveling exhibition of his work. It will open in Stockholm in June. More info as it gets closer!
And please visit Frank’s website and Instagram to look at his amazing work.
03/31/2021 | Posted by Eye Forward
Categories: Frank Ockenfels 3
Tags: https://fwo3.com/