Stay Cool with Perry Ogden // Guest Blogger Alert

It’s finally Friday, and if you are in Los Angeles or following the news here – you’ll know this week has been an absolute SCORCHER!

And what better way to fend off the heat then to stick with your air conditioner and be inspired. I’m very happy staying cool and checking out my favorite blogs today, one of which happens to be Perry Ogden’s.

Whether it’s a personal image, a snapshot from set or a breathtaking landscape, I always find myself inspired (and wanting to book some flights) when roaming around Perry’s blog.

The image above is a gorgeous snapshot of Harmony Boucher, lead singer for the Vuvuvultures from a recent story he shot in London for D Magazine.

Take a look, stay cool and be inspired….

05/16/2014 | Posted by Eye Forward

Categories: Editorial, Fashion, Perry Ogden